Thursday, December 04, 2003

American societal nuance

Two of top stories featured in CNN today tell the tale of a eleven year old child being starved & beaten to death by her parents and a woman biting off part of her boyfriend's tongue. The element of shock lies not in the sheer brutality of what ensued, but in my own vague rosy notion of a civilized society. I never did think that the USA was a country of freaks though I did see ample evidence of this during my stay in Minneapolis, more on television than on the streets of the city; but then America does on the whole come across as a wealthy, educated society which values the institutions of common virtues.

Is this a country of acute intolerance of even the slightest frustration? Is this a country of so many triumphs, of so many opportunities, of so many comforts that the flimsiest adversity knows no precedents?

Sometimes the burden of worries, problems and constraints on our shoulder keep our feet firmly grounded. It is not such a bad thing, after all.

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